AMELANCHIER ALNIFOLIA, Saskatoon Serviceberry 10 cubic inch plug


100 or more $3/each

60 in stock

SKU: 10AMAL Categories: ,


Loose shrub with upright limbs fanning out at crown. Thrives in all soil types but gets leggy in the shade. Height is 6-15 feet, depending on site. Seasonal interest with white flowers in EARLY spring before leaves, blue berries in summer and yellow leaves in fall. Berries can be eaten raw, cooked, dried, and are used in jam, jelly, and wine. Best berries are found in moist locations. Native Americans used berries as an ingredient in pemmican, and straight slender branches for arrow shafts.
  • Berries: blue/black
  • Drought Tolerant: yes
  • Evergreen: no
  • Flower Color: white
  • Flowers, Berries or Seeds: flowers early in spring
  • Mature Height: 6-15′
  • Sunshine: full
  • USDA Zone: 2

Additional information

Weight 0.25 lbs