PRUNUS VIRGINIANA, Common Chokecherry 10 cubic inch plug


100 or more $3/each

90 in stock

SKU: 10PRVI Categories: ,


Crooked shrub or small tree to 30 feet. Can take partial shade. Dark green leaves turn maroon and gold in fall. White, cone-shaped flower clusters in spring, followed by dark cherries. Use as a windbreak or screen. Native Americans mixed these cherries with venison to make pemmican. Folklore tells that Sacajawea was eating chokecherries when she was abducted by Minatarees and sold to a French fur trader.
  • Berries: purple/red cherries
  • Drought Tolerant: no
  • Evergreen: no
  • Flower Color: white
  • Flowers, Berries or Seeds: yes
  • Mature Height: 20-30′
  • Sunshine: full sun
  • USDA Zone: 2

Additional information

Weight 0.25 lbs