Native Roots ZINNIA GRANDIFLORA, Desert Zinnia 3.5″ pot


100 or more $4.25/each

43 in stock

SKU: 4PZIGRNR Categories: ,


Full sun? Check. Little to no irrigation? Check. Fine, light colored leaves? Check. Oodles of cheery yellow blooms? Yup, that too! This little gray-green mound of fine foliage will be covered in blooms from spring to first frost. One of the best performers of the Native Roots line, it will grow in a wide variety of conditions, but prefers a little “breathing room” to avoid foliar fungal issues.
  • Drought Tolerant: yes
  • Flower Color: yellow
  • Flowers, Berries or Seeds: butterflies love the flowers
  • Mature Height: 5-10″ tall, 16-24″ spread
  • Sunshine: full sun

Additional information

Weight 0.81 lbs